
 Menu: Features


This menu entry activates the “Select” function. The left mouse button can be used to select dimensions and set features.
For more information on Select see ⇒ Functions: Select

Select area

This menu entry actives the “Select area” function. This is used to select multiple dimensions within an area.
For more information ON Select area see ⇒ Functions: Select area

Search all features

This menu entry searches the drawing for dimensions and adds the corresponding features.
For more information on Select see: ⇒ Functions: Search all features

Add feature

This menu opens the dialogue for adding features.
For more information about Features see: ⇒ Functions: Add feature

Add attributive feature

This menu entry opens the dialogue for adding an attributive feature.
For more information see: ⇒ Functions: Add attributive feature

Reposition stamp

This menu entry activates the function for moving a stamp.
For more information on moving stamps see: ⇒ Functions: Reposition stamps

Reposition and rotate stamps

This menu entry activates the function for moving and orientate stamps.
For more information about moving and rotating stamps see: ⇒ Functions: Reposition and rotate stamps

Rotate stamps

This menu entry activates the function for rotating stamps.
For more information on orientating stamps see: ⇒ Functions: Rotate stamps

Adjust stamp size

This menu entry can be used to change the size of all stamps in a pdf document.
For more information on adjusting stamp size see: ⇒ Functions: Adjust stamp size

Multiple stamps per feature

This menu entry is used to assign more than one stamp to a feature, for example to assign stamps to undimensioned features in a symmetrical drawing.
Nähere Informationen zu Merkmalen: Siehe ⇒ Functions: Multiple stamps per feature

Select stamp

This menu entry is used to select one (or more) stamps.
For more information about stamps see: ⇒ Functions: Select stamp

Select stamp (area selection)

This menu point is used to select multiple stamps within an area.
For more information on stamps see: ⇒ Functions: Select stamp (area selection)

Remove stamp selection

This menu point is used to de-select one (or more) stamps.
For more information about stamps see: ⇒ Functions: Remove stamp selection

Set feature type

This menu point is used to set the current feature type to the selected feature(s).
For more information about feature types see: ⇒ Set feature type

Delete feature

This menu point activates the “Delete feature” function.
For more information on features see: ⇒ Functions: Delete functions

Permit all elements

Filter option: If this menu point is active, all elements can be stamped.

Permit all elements (block mode)

Filter option: If this menu point is active, all elements saved as a block in a CAD drawing can be stamped.

Permit dimensions

Filter option: If this menu point is active, elements classified as dimensions in a CAD drawing can be stamped.

Permit text elements

Filter option: If this menu point is active, all elements classified as text in CAD can be stamped.

Only special features

Filter option: 1) If this menu point is active, only elements classified as special features in CAD will be stamped. Special features are enclosed by an oval inside the same dimension block.

1) since version 11.10.0
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